54. 簡易膝蓋保健 (The simple knee maintenance)55. 十四個徵兆預示長壽 (The signs that predict longevity)
56. 心血管淤塞救命良方 (Blood Vessels Plumbing)57. 肝炎養生保健之道 (Hepatitis - what to watch out for)
58. 抗新流感漢方蔬果汁 (Herbalist's Juices for Influenza)
59. 馬鈴薯鮮汁療法 (The Amazing Potato Juice)60. 打嗝放屁去濁氣 (Hiccup/Farting Is Healthy)
61. 每天大笑不會老 (Laugh to slow down aging)62. 生活常識小秘密 (Trivial for your daily life)
63. 靈芝治「未病」 (Lingzhi's [Ganoderma] effects)64. 素食不正確更糟 (Vegetarian's Mistakes)
65. 增強記憶力食物 (The Memory Boosters)66. 栗子是[腎之果] (Chestnuts good for elders)
67. 糖尿病飲食和食療 (Diabetes helpful diets)68. 熱門健康食物排行 (Healthy Food Ranking)